"Carol put together an exercise program for me that deals with the loss of muscle tone and flexibility that accompanies aging and I could never have devised this program without her assistance. I now feel better and move with greater flexibility than before. Not only is Carol the consummate professional, but she also has a cheerful and open personality that converts clients into friends. I recommend her without qualification!"  - Dr. Ben B. 

"Carol is an inspiration! She absolutely lives the principles of integrated wellness, challenging me to honor my own personal goals and objectives with respect to mind, body and spirit fitness. I love working with her!"  - Marianne 

"Carol looks beyond the obvious to your individual age, body and goals. She suggested that I go from a routine I had had for many years to one of more core work with free weights, bands, medicine balls, and with less weight and more reps. This is exactly what my body needed! I check back in with her from time to time to modify and progress my workout and it's great to know that she is always there." - John

"From the first time I met Carol, I knew she would have some real answers for our family. My daughters and I share a genetic weakness in our spinal column which translates a little differently in each of us. Carol was able to understand the direction of the physical therapy we were doing at the time and construct a training program to enhance it." - Becky

"Carol is a real people person!  She immediately puts her clients at ease, combining her vast knowledge of the human body with her charming manner and sense of humor.  She administers her training methods in a thoroughly comprehensive program, fusing exercise, therapy and nutrition. She was especially helpful to our teenage daughters in answering their questions and concerns about exercise, stress and fatigue, and giving them routines and written materials to address all three areas."  - Lila

"It is clear that Carol takes her work very seriously, as it is a real passion for her. She juggles a very busy family and work life, but somehow remains totally flexible and easy going - I don't know how she does it! I can recommend Carol to anyone looking to enhance their overall physical package, be it therapeutic, strengthening aerobic or nutritional. She is totally informed and knowledgeable!" - Jill 

"When determining a plan for me, Carol kept in mind all aspects of my current health and well-being, i.e. diet, sleep habits, stamina, medical history, etc. My medical history is complex and causes unusual dietary challenges. Carol recommended that I see a dietician who specializes in my specific dietary issues. Carol always maintained a balance of encouraging me to strive harder and become more fit while my medical well-being was ensured. She is a wonderful coach and encourager. " - Kathy