Do you spend too much time worried about the number on a scale or a certain body part? Is it difficult not to compare yourself to other women, wishing you could be them instead of you? Is “dieting” and deprivation just the norm? or have you been there WAY too many times?
I know all about self-loathing and the endless striving for “perfection” that drives so many women to have an adversarial relationship with food and themselves - because I’ve been there! When I finally reached the end of my rope and sought help, the knowledge and self-acceptance I gained took me to a whole new place of self-love, wholeness and healing, and that’s what I’m here to help you find!
In my 5- week LiveLoveEat workshop, we take a look at our past and the present; at the unhealthy messages we’ve internalized about ourselves, our relationship with food, and how we view the world. We consider different factors and lifestyle habits that affect our physical bodies, emotional well-being and how well we care for ourselves and others—and Food is at the center of it all! So we’ll be making some very simple changes starting in week 1 to optimize our most vibrant health and then layering on as we go along. We’ll take a dive into becoming more intuitive about our true needs and hunger signals and learn about self-care for mental and emotional health, stress relief, how-tos for a better night’s sleep, and tapping into our own personal joy. Alignment and balance is essential to feeling strong in everyday movement so I’ll be guiding you, no matter what your fitness level, with Body Work on the matt!
This workshop will be on-line, and each week we’ll meet for a BodyWork! session of moving together. If you can’t be there in person (which is the BEST option!), you’ll be able to access my BodyWorks! class designed just for this workshop at your leisure each week. Each week you’ll receive a lovely Monday morning email with the emphasis for the week, handouts to follow along with curing my video session and lots of motivation to jump-start your week! You will also have one coaching call with me every week. One of my greatest passions is using what I’ve learned in my health journey to help other women love their bodies and create a fabulous relationship with food and life! I only ask that if you commit to this workshop, you show up for yourself and give it your 100+%! The benefits will be amazing! Please don’t hesitate to reach out with any questions or comments!