This is definitely a time like no other we’ve seen in our lifetimes. I’ve felt gob-smacked, I don’t know about you. It’s understandable and expected that people will experience fear, anxiety and loneliness, and I am dealing with some of that myself. But can all agree that the more time we spend feeling afraid and anxious, the more those emotions take over and leave us feeling paralyzed? It’s also very easy to feel powerless when we are listening and/or watching the news 24/7 which seems to be only reporting the coronavirus and it’s effects. While it’s good to stay informed, it doesn’t serve us to always be hooked in.
I think today is a good time to take back our power in this situation!
Feeling powerful right now is seeing the good in what is happening. As Brene Brown would say “Embrace the suck of new”. The changes we’re experiencing right now can be the Beginning of something, not the Enduring of something. Part of embracing this new reality is seeing how connected we all are, that however independent we felt we were before, it’s becoming very clear that we are interdependent in so many more ways than we ever imagined. Your livelihood depends on mine, your health depends on my health—and visa versa! We can use our personal power to choose new ways to take care of our neighbor and to care for ourselves. In this time of social distancing and staying at home, being careful when caring for others and paring down our normal daily activities and stressors, we can begin to open up “margin”—open space--in our own daily lives. This actually makes us more resilient in time of stress, and gives us time to learn new things—that also includes new ways of strengthening our immune system and improving our health. We don’t have to feel like we’re killing time waiting for things to change or symptoms to develop. We can be pro-active!
There are many things we’ve all been prone to take for granted –going to the gym and working out, going out to eat at a restaurant with a group of friends, being able to shop whenever we want to or running out to a movie, taking a weekend trip to the beach. Or thinking that things will always stay the same and that we don’t need to even think about contingency plans for hardships, disasters, sadness and grief. Our grandparents and great-grandparents knew they had to plan ahead because they had been thru some pretty tough times before--they always had extra food stored up, cash on hand and money in savings. To them, change was just a part of life, not something to be avoided but to always be prepared for.
Our fear comes from not only the virus itself, but losing what we are accustomed to and depend on for physical and emotional support. I admit that I am a creature of comfort; I don’t like change and I’ve never found it to be exciting as some do. And right now its easy to feel like we’re free-falling without a parachute—Oh no! what is going to happen? Where will we land? But we have no other choice but to HOLD ON and embrace the “suck”—we may land in an unknown place far away from our comfort zone, but resisting the change in scenery actually makes it much harder than it needs to be, and will lower our ability to not only survive, but thrive. It’s time to trust that everything will “fall” into place-- and just hang in there!
Although I am scared, I’m also hopeful of new beginnings! Have you noticed that pollution has gotten a LOT better?…people are getting outside more to move their bodies which is always a plus, we’re starting to reach out to friends and neighbors that we haven’t talked to in years, and we’re helping strangers that need a hand-up: food, shelter, even just a kind word that says “I see you, you’re important to me.” We’re thanking people that are still serving us every day, realizing how important they are to our lives. If we didn’t before, we have time now to work on relationships with people we live with instead of unhealthy ones with the outside world. We’re beginning to be more grateful just to hear a bird sing, the flowers bloom, and the beautiful sounds of QUIET…Nature is reminding us of the simplicity of all things, the constant renewal of life, the beauty that always surrounds us—even when we were too busy to see it before. When I take my pups out for walks, I’ve been especially touched lately by the presence and fullness of life that stirs my soul! I am so much more present to all he colors around me, the feel of the wind against my skin, the smell of grass and blooms and even the majesty of trees.
I want to share with you the things I think are essential to be doing right now to either keep you and your family healthy, or to make the shift into a healthier lifestyle. This has been a much-needed wake up call for many to change their lifestyles to create the life they really want to live!
Let’s start with the basics:
(These recommendations in no way contradict our health advisory instructions regarding hygiene, social distancing, self-isolation, etc)
Limit (or eliminate) alcohol and any foods containing sugar. These have been shown in numerous studies to deplete immune protection.
Stop it with the smoking and the vaping! Just stop. Enough said
Get outside! Soak up the sun whenever you can. Tune in to the beauty and sounds of nature right now and feel enormous gratitude that seasons always change and where we are right now in this moment of crisis will pass too.
Pray and Meditate. Pick a scripture, a poem, a quote, a daily devotional reading. Remind yourself that it is not only ok, but required for humans to take the time to slow down, be still and listen instead of speaking.
Eat clean food as free of preservatives and additives as you can afford. Aim for 2 servings of fruits and 8 or more servings of vegetables! A serving is half a cup. Make it colorful! Eat lots of Greens! Include pickled foods! Add garlic, onions, ginger, and lots of spices (oregano, turmeric, rosemary) to your meals! Add these to your soups and vegetable dishes, as well as bean dips and sauces. Garlic, ginger and onions offer wide spectrum antimicrobial properties. Cooking with medicinal mushrooms like shiitake is also helpful.
Eat fermented foods to support your microbiome and immunity. Eat sauerkraut, kimchi, natto, miso, tempeh, unsweetened yogurt, kefir.
Drink filtered water, a LOT, and not from plastic bottles! (i.e.contaminents in the plastic and increasing our already burgeoning environmental plastic pollution) Keep a bottle of filtered water with you at all times. If you can’t drink filtered water, JUST DRINK WATER. Drink herbal teas like ginger and turmeric tea.
Keep physically active, Move that body!. Map out time daily—to take a walk, take a hike, do some body core and weight exercise, practice yoga and stretching at home. I set up my gym space on the screened in back porch last week, and I’m loving it! Get creative about equipment. (you also don’t need much at all and you can use ordinary items around the house!) And don’t forget that you can dance as crazy as you want in the space of your home without being seen (if you’re worried about that J) and it is not only perfectly ok, but I totally recommend it for a great cardio workout—so fun! And it’s also a great time to foster or adopt a dog that you need to walk--Win-Win!
Get a good 7-8 hours of sleep—you certainly can’t say you’re too busy to sleep right now… Sleep is a crucial part of human design, where restoration, recovery, healing and repair occur. Especially important for the health of the brain. You can’t afford to be at odds with your body’s required needs, and especially now when you’re trying to stay healthy as possible.
Take 2-3 minutes 2x per day to relax and Deep Breathe….3-4 counts in thru the nose, 4-5 counts out thru the mouth. Lowers stress levels in the body, clears and refocuses the mind and is restorative to all of your metabolic functions.
Read a real book—not a kindle if possible (don’t you have enough screen time already??) Take time to escape in a book, if even for a few minutes.
Start learning something new! A new skill on line or just a subject you’ve always been curious about!
Listen to music—whatever kind it is that makes your soul melt, your heart soar, your brain focus, your spirit rise! This is a NECESSITY!
The only thing we can control in this moment is how we react to it. What helps you reduce stress? Do that! Could be yoga, meditation, listening to music or going for a long walk, hugging your dog, cleaning your refrigerator, organizing your closet. Keeping the level of stress down as much as possible will allow your immune system to function at its best. .
What about supplements that you can use daily to boost your immune response?
If you are taking a multiple vitamin, make sure it comes from whole food sources. Although it normally contains many of the vitamins listed below, the dosages may not be optimal so check.
Vitamin C 3000 - 5000 mg daily in divided doses with meals and snacks. Buffered Vitamin C
The role of vitamin C in supporting the immune system has long been known.
Vitamin D3 5000 IU per day
Magnesium 400 ml daily
Zinc 30 mg daily Seafood, esp. oysters,red meat,pumpkin seeds are the best food sources.
Selenium 100 mcg daily
Broad range Probiotic ones that offer several species of good bacteria and contain at least 5-10 billion organisms per capsule. Lactobacillus plantarum and spore forms of Bacillus are the best for immunity.
Fish Oil (Arctic Cod Liver Oil): This old-time remedy for good health and robust immunity still stands true! In addition to the good fats, this cod liver oil contains additional vitamins A and D for added immune protection.
** It is not necessary to take all of these. Just starting with a multivitamin, vitamin D3, vitamin C, zinc and fish oil is a great start
Several herbal and other preparations that are known to help to boost immunity:
Organic Green Tea, Astragalus— has broad-spectrum antimicrobial effects or immune-enhancing effects
Unfiltered Organic Apple Cider Vinegar . ¼ cup in a full glass of water each day helps restore alkalinity to the body, reducing inflammation.
Fresh herbs
Siberian Ginseng
**Again, not important to do all of this, pick a few that you can do consistently!
So stay home, enjoy nature, practice good hygiene, take care of yourself and your family, be more mindful about what you eat and drink, preparing delicious healthy foods at home, and look out for your neighbours! T
Together, we will get through this better and stronger! Remember we are all in it together--this is the good news about Coronavirus. I for one hope we never unlearn this lesson!
Be Well!—Carol
Need some help with making healthy lifestyle choices? During a time of social distancing, my Health Coaching programs can all be done long-distance! Check them out here. I'd love to help you live your best life! By the time we get on the other side of this, you will be stronger and healthier than ever!