Take a look at your face in the mirror and let it tell you a story--uneven texture and color, under-eye circles and puffiness, acne---these signs tell the tale of uneasy flow of fluids thru a system designed to move things quickly. We just call it tiredness or aging, but when organ tissue is devoid of life-force and nutrients because of eating "normally"-- aka the "Western Diet" --and the metabolic changes caused by unmanaged stressors, we see loose, wrinkled skin far earlier and much more so. When cells are clean and healthy, they conduct electromagnet current unimpeded by accumulated waste--the greater the waste, the more rapidly we'll appear to age and deteriorate. Keep in mind that cells create tissues, and tissues create organs--your skin being your largest body organ.
Your body's major detox pathway is the passage out of the GI tract and this was designed perfectly to work. However, if there is compromise in the immune system (whose frontline is the gut, now called the "second brain" --see my post about this here), impairment by the typical Western Diet (too many sugars, processed foods, fast foods, starches and grains), an environment that is increasingly more toxic, inflammation (caused by all these factors), unmanaged stress, age and genetics, then your body' detox system is far over-taxed and unable to keep up. There is simply too much sludge to move thru and clean out, and it's accumulated over years and years.
When we consume "foods' that are not easily digestible and passed by the human body, they leave residue. This residue starts in the intestines where it ferments and putrefies, leading to an unhealthy buildup of antagonistic bacteria and yeast that can eventually permeate the walls of the intestine ("leaky gut") and then circulate thru the body winding up in blood and tissues.
Detoxing is a short-term way to begin to establish a baseline to a healthier, stronger, more energetic body by removing the inflammatory and allergenic foods that have created what you see in the mirror and how you feel and move every day in your body. These tell-tale signs not only include lackluster skin and hair, but also fatigue, the little aches and pains in the joints that you think are just normal, the inability to handle stress and be emotionally healthy and the difficulty in being focused and engaged in work and home. Detoxing also has the additional benefit of improving insulin resistance and, if used as a starting point for a lifestyle of healthy eating and self-care, can reverse Type-2 diabetes. You can take charge of your health by starting at the basics of cellular cleansing and nourishment.
So what are the main things to accomplish with a super healthy detox program? Awaken the old waste matter thru starving Yeast and bad bacteria. Rejuvenate the cells with plenty of healthy nutrients and antioxidants. Give the body some breaks from digestion--the norm being mindless eating all day, everyday--so we can put energy into healing and restoration. Get enough food to satiate our hunger and desire for food and meet our daily energy needsd without holding back the cleanse. Set aside time in our daily schedule to relax and decompress, and to make sure we are eating--and living-- from a calm place. Be present—to thoughts and emotions, and expressing your uniqueness in the world. Find enjoyment in and appreciation for our body—we add a stretching and strengthening practice that is anchored to our nourishing breathe and helps move lymph fluid thru the vessels more efficiently (thus helping to detoxify the body). Learn how to be intuitive about what your body needs to eat and how it needs to be cared for in every way to perform at it's very best. Cultivate the power of gratitude and hope! Consider sleep a priority and implement practical strategies that enable rejuvenating rest.
If you're wanting to use this beautiful season to make a new start, and create momentum towards a healthier life, I would love for you to join my Detox Diva (guys too!) 5-week program (with optional 6th week!) which covers everything a great detox program needs to be! Check it out here and respond quickly-- The next group program begins very soon and I have limited spaces available! If you're out of the Nashville area, you can still do this with me! Your commitment will be your early Independence Day-- Your independence from feeling sick, tired and weak and not knowing what to do about it! Contact me, I'm passionate about helping people get stronger, healthier and better in every way! I would love to connect, I am here for you and ready to answer any questions you might have!
Be Well--- Carol