I love it when people reach out to me for help! This is what I get excited about—helping someone change their health and their life! As you can imagine, the beginning of a new year is always busy with emails and messages from new potential clients who have once again come to a place of utter exhaustion and despair with the state of their health. Their adrenals are shot, and their brain is on overload. What is even more tiring is that they’ve tried everything else and done their best—and its only gotten worse.
“You don’t know why you’re exhausted? You’re fighting a war inside your head every single day. If that’s not exhausting, I don’t know what is!”
I get it, I know the feeling. It reminds me of where I was about 39 years ago—at the end of my rope and reaching out for help. I just couldn’t do what I was doing anymore, I couldn’t abuse by body any longer with over-exercising and a full-blown eating disorder so I could be “skinny”. I could feel my body collapsing, I was sick all the time—not enough nutrients to keep my immune system strong and the emotional and mental stress of trying to be “perfect” just compromised my health more. Add onto that expecting my body to push through 2-hour workouts 4x a week because that’s what I thought healthy, beautiful, successful skinny women did—and that’s exactly when all the forces for my good came together to usher in a Tsunami of Dis-ease that slammed me into paying attention.
With the help of some very beautiful souls, I finally realized what I had missed a long the way—until I learned to love my self exactly where I was and valued not only my body—but my life—I wasn’t going to thrive, and I might not even survive. Until I gained the understanding that life wasn’t about comparing myself to others or worrying about they thought about me—and it sure wasn’t about ‘perfectionism” which ofcourse doesn’t exist—I wouldn’t ever find my personal “best”, my unique presence in the world.. Until I learned how to not be afraid to eat, but to love food for the good that it brought to my body, soul and spirit, I would never find the most loving weight and life-space for my body to fill.
In our US media culture, competition is rewarded, comparison encouraged, and self-punishment valued —and even more so when it comes to fitness and how to eat which also includes a heavy dose of deprivation. So we tell ourselves that getting fit has to hurt and it needs to be exhausting, that we have to deprive ourselves of food—especially yummy food—to lose weight, and we need to be constantly consumed with the number on the weight scale and the size of our thighs in comparison to the other person next to us at the gym. Because of these untruths that we tell ourselves—and then believe—confusion clouds out all rational self-preserving thoughts and reasonable knowledge so we find ourselves latching on to the latest “diet” or workout routine or supplement—and not for our good; all for the bottom line of the person or company that’s taking advantage of our weariness and insecurities..
“Please, is there any quick-fix out there that can help me to not be true to myself or the process of real authentic change and restoration?”
The truth is this: You are more than your weight in the world. You are worth more than all the calories and time and energy you spend or don’t spend. You are more valuable than the most delicious chocolate cake you try your hardest to avoid or the bucket of broccoli you devour. You are more beautiful than the smallest pair of jeans and in your closet and much wiser than the biggest. You are so much more than your failures or successes—neither defines you, but they both inform you and want to see you prosper and become whole.
Once you believe that, once you tell yourself that several times a day till you don’t have to anymore, once you tell that shuckster to go find another sucker and the b**** in your head to “shut up!”—Then that’s when you’ll be on the road to never worrying about your weight again.
Need some help of your own? Sick of this merry-go-round of misery you’ve been on for years? Are you ready to learn to treasure food for the good that it brings to all of you—and find the most loving weight and life-space for your body to fill? Ready to LiveLoveEat and feel your very best? Then contact me, I’d love to connect with you!
My new LiveLoveEat! 5-week workshop starts February 9th! Check it out here and contact me for more info! Space is limited and I would love to have you experience more healthy freedom in your life!
Be Well! Carol