Something Better = Something Different!

Change or die.  There really is no alternative.  At the cellular level, we're changing all the time: cells die and they reproduce, with no awareness on our part. My goodness, in one year you'll have a completely different skin!  In much the same way the world keeps turning, although so slowly we can’t perceive it and of course we can’t control it.  Change happens - and we can either go with the flow,or resist at our own peril.

But what about the changes we can control, the "how we think, feel, what we say and do" changes, the ones that either bring life or death to our relationships, physical health, community and workplace?  These are the really tough changes, and they can be painful - although perhaps not as painful as staying stuck in a place that isn't working for us anymore.  Discomfort can be a great catalyst.

Making these changes takes willpower, persistence, patience, in fact everything our culture is not a big fan of.  This is America! The land of convenience, immediate gratification, plastic surgery, Prozac, “lose 10 pounds in 10 days," and instant celebrity.  It’s easy to get lulled into laziness, an attitude that derails our health, sabotages our marriages and other relationships, and puts our careers and goals on the slow boat to China.  

Attitude. Mindset. Thoughts. World View. These are the interior spaces where change is born or buried, and only we are responsible for our lives and the thoughts that create them.  Trying to change other people is really exhausting, isn't it?  And usually fruitless,  so why not shift our energy toward higher purposes?  Like creating a life we really want to live!   Key insights from the blending of psychology and neurosciences show that by choosing the thoughts we hang on to and the ones we let go of, we can establish permanent new thought patterns, transforming our lives from the inside-out: emotionally, spiritually and physically.  Good news, you're not stuck!  Through the power of intention, or mindfulness, the glass half-empty can really become a glass half-full! 

Habitual thought patterns are like the tire tracks in a muddy road.  The mind naturally slips into them, and it takes focused effort to steer one’s mental energy in a different direction.  Those tire tracks are your default position-- I have mine, we all do. They're the culmination of our family of origin, our past experiences, our social environment and present circumstances.  But don’t we really want a new and better framework from which we see ourselves and the world?  Without changing something, that just won't happen - we can make the choice to speak life to ourselves and to others, and to act in ways that bring renewed vitality and joy into our own lives and the world around us--we can all be life-changers, starting with our own lives!

So what’s your first step?  Make a decision.  Decide to live intentionally, not haphazardly, and take aim at something! What kind of person do you want to be, what characteristics or virtues do you admire, how healthy do you want your body and life to be?  Go ahead and write your thoughts and goals down, tape pictures and inspiring words on the fridge or your bathroom mirror, and refocus your mind on being the person you want to be.  Visualizing the changes you want to make can help you see yourself walk them out.  Just like a professional athlete getting ready for a big event, you're getting ready to WIN!  Refocus your mind on those thoughts every day and commit to act and speak in ways that re-affirm your intentions.  

Next step?  Don’t procrastinate any more-- just do it, and now!  To arrive at something better, you have to do something different.... And that will involve action.  It's impossible to learn any new skill or develop new habits without consistent effort daily.  And we're talking about small changes,  small decisions, and all adding up over time - not huge leaps all at once!  Experience tells us that doesn't work long-term. Real change takes time.  If we want to change the path we're on,  we have to steer in a different direction and keep our hands on the wheel!

Your WILL creates the right ACTIONS, leading to your best RESULT.

You may already know that change can be threatening to others who have found solace in the old you-- and then there’s always the struggle against the tide of culture!  So be prepared for resistance, and decide on the front end how you want to handle it.  Don't expect an easy ride--there will be bumps and a few unexpected curves, and you just might run off the side of the road at times. That's ok!  Give yourself grace when that happens, but get right back on your determined path, and never let yourself lose sight of where you're headed!  Just as your muscles can’t get any stronger without the stress of resistance, your willpower won’t get any stronger unless you exercise it!  Instead of telling yourself I won’'t  or I can’t  try this:  I WILL  make better choices in what I eat, I WILL make time for exercise this week, I WILL be a better friend, a more loving spouse, a more effective employee, a more compelling leader.  It's a pattern that will become your new habit.  What are your "I Will's" ?  Declare it! Do it! See it!

I’m always ready for change in areas of my life, and if you’re reading this I’ll bet you are too.  I think together, we can create something much different and much better, in our own lives and the world!

Would you share this today with a friend that may need some encouragement?  Maybe they're in a place where they have given up trying and just need to know ALL things are POSSIBLE!

Be Well- Carol  

I am here to be part of your Front Row Cheering Section!  I truly believe Holistic Health Coaching is the missing link in most people’s efforts to create successful long lasting changes to their health and their quality of life overall. Together we’ll look at food and other lifestyle choices that determine how healthy you can be! I am ready to be your Coach, your Mentor, your Accountability Partner, and your Cheerleader!  Contact me today!  Find out more about my services on my website  and sign up for my e-newsletter at the bottom of this page, chock full of fresh inspiration for your Best You!

Need a Personal Trainer? A program designed specifically for YOU and YOUR needs and not everyone else? I’ve had over 25 years of Training experience and work with Ortho docs and Physical Therapists, always learning more about how to truly help my clients. Contact me! Let’s make this year your best!

Take a Chance on Love!

When we take the time to notice, to reach out with kindness and care to someone else, we are being kind and caring to ourselves. It is a habitual reminder that we are all in this together, we need to depend on each other, and political, social or racial divisions don't matter when people are hurting and just need to be seen and heard. This is how we begin to heal and unify this country right now.

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Power to the Posture!

As a Trainer and fitness instructor, I can just take a look at my clients and see the toll that emotional, mental and physical stressors are taking on their physical bodies. It’s in the way they stand and move, the fatigue and muscular imbalances that hunch the shoulders over, compress the spinal column and constrict the breath and energy-flow through the central organs.  Creating alignment and stability in our physical frame by developing core muscles that support our spinal column is foundational for any other body work we do.  What we can’t see on the outside is how poor posture affects the internal landscape—the physiological functioning that is crucial to our overall health

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A spine that is lengthened, not compressed, is a more open channel for life-giving energy to flow through. Each organ of the body has its natural position that is to a large degree maintained by correct alignment. Optimal physiological functioning depends greatly on a neutral and supported posture that is open and elongated. This also affects our ability to fully breathe because the diaphragm--the primary muscle responsible for breathing--is attached to the ribs, spine and hip flexor muscle. Rounded shoulders and protruding head not only create neck pain, but prevent the rib cage from being flexible and fully expansive, which interferes with our ability to breath deeply. Just addressing proper alignment can make all the difference in the world in your health!

This is the first place I start with new clients: their alignment and foot placement. The integrity of the entire frame begins at the foot!   So I analyze their foot placement--do they strike heavily on the inside of the foot or outside? I check knee-to-toes alignment and note how we can improve if needed and then we work on building strength and flexibility throughout the foot and the ankle. Next we start working on achieving and maintaining neutral posture thru core strengthening.  The most important function of proper posture is to keep the body in an upright position, supporting the frame that houses all vital organs against the pull of gravity.  If there is dysfunction in our alignment, metabolic activity is hindered and excess stress and weight is put on muscles and joints, which can lead to a significant amount of pain and discomfort—and also future injury.  And if you've ever had this type of back pain you know what this is about!

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What is neutral posture?  The head centered over the shoulders, shoulders pressed down & back, back pulled up out of the hips and chest lifted, knees slightly bent, a gentle pull-in of the belly-button to engage the abs, and feet stable on the floor with your body weight distributed evenly between both feet.  Whether seated or standing, we always want to keep the back lifted, and not settling into the hips. Visualize a string attached to the crown of the head pulling you towards the ceiling and another string attached to the tail bone pulling you towards the floor.  Once you learn how to do this and start to practice it in everyday life, it doesn't take long to get to the point where it just occurs naturally without any thought.  At this point, you’ll notice how much stronger and more open you feel as you move. If you have a job that keeps you seated during the day, it is especially important that you begin to address this right away!. When carrying a heavy backpack, purse or briefcase on one side, the ability to keep the spine in alignment and supported is even more important to avoid imbalances leading to chronic pain,


Its amazing how much more confident people look when they walk into a room with a balanced upright posture—have you ever noticed that?  Body language is powerful and we know that confidence attracts others to us, improving our ability to feel connected with our inner strength and more positively engaged with others. This is one lesson I learned from my mom as a young girl—Being taller than anyone else till I turned about 13, I always wanted to hunch over.  And yes, my mom did make me walk across my room with books stacked on my head everyday--ha!  But she was right--Thanks Mom!

Amy Cutter, a social psychologist and Harvard professor reminds us of how powerful an upright position is when we want to put our best foot forward socially and professionally. The release of feel-good hormones associated with this “Power Pose” are changing our body chemistry to help us actually feel more confident and strong. This makes perfect sense when we remember that how well we live and take care of ourselves begins with our thoughts—our mindset—and that is why changing habitual behavior has to begin with changing how we THINK about our lives and our own self-worth. From our thoughts flow emotions, words and actions. Since everything is connected to everything else in our bodies, our overall health outcomes are affected far more deeply than the physiological affects of building structural integrity through physical training. (Click on picture above for video of Amy’s TEDx Talk.)

In my public talks on body image, I often bring in the example of someone walking into a party and feeling less-than—could be because they don’t know anyone, or they’re self-conscious because of their weight or how they’re dressed, or just any number of ways we tell ourselves we “don’t belong”. But how about truly “owning” that piece of ground that we all walk and stand on, wherever we are? It is our rightful place—to be there and to feel part of the whole, because we are. Just that powerful acknowledgement can truly change not only our demeanor but our inner confidence!

I would be amiss if I didn’t just state something obvious—too much weight on a frame that wasn’t designed to carry it will create life-long and debilitating back problems— as well as issues with shoulders, hips, knees, ankles and feet. If you know you have weight to lose to feel your very best—emotionally, mentally and physically—but you just can’t seem to conquer that obstacle, I promise to help you do it! As a Wellness and Nutrition Coach, I take my clients right where they are and create a unique program just for them that finally helps them address their challenges, slay their dragons and reach their health goals! Looking at all lifestyle factors, and with healthy nutrition at the center, together we can transform your health and create your Best You—your life is worth it! The gift of health is truly the best present you can give yourself—check out my Health Coaching programs and contact me today!

Pssst! I have an amazing Personal Training Special leading into the holidays—and this would make a great gift for someone you love, including YOU! $15 off each session when purchasing a package of 10—that’s $150 savings! This must be purchased by November 30th —and if it’s a gift, I will wrap and send—or deliver—for you! Contact me!

Let me help you find your perfect alignment and best health—We will have you walking taller, feeling stronger and living healthier in no time, promise!

Be Well!  Carol 

“I do not live in my thighs or in my droopy butt. I live in joy and motion. .I live in the nourishment of food and the sun and the warmth of the people who love me. Learning to eat was about learning to live—and deciding to live, it is the most radi…

“I do not live in my thighs or in my droopy butt. I live in joy and motion. .I live in the nourishment of food and the sun and the warmth of the people who love me. Learning to eat was about learning to live—and deciding to live, it is the most radical things I’ve ever done.” Anne Lamott



Something Better = Something Different

Change or die.  There really is no alternative.  At the cellular level, we're changing all the time: cells die and they reproduce, with no awareness on our part. My goodness, in one year you'll have a completely different skin!  In much the same way the world keeps turning, although so slowly we can’t perceive it and we of course we can’t control it.  Change happens - and we can either go with the flow,or resist at our own peril.

But what about the changes we can control, the "how we think, feel, what we say and do" changes, the ones that either bring life or death to our relationships, physical health, community and workplace?  These are the really tough changes, and they can be painful - although perhaps not as painful as staying stuck in a place that isn't working for us anymore.  Discomfort can be a great catalyst.

Making these changes takes willpower, persistence, patience, in fact everything our culture is not a big fan of.  This is America! The land of convenience, immediate gratification, plastic surgery, Prozac, “lose 10 pounds in 10 days," and instant celebrity.  It’s easy to get lulled into laziness, an attitude that derails our health, sabotages our marriages and other relationships, and puts our careers and goals on the slow boat to China.  

Attitude. Mindset. Thoughts. World View. These are the interior spaces where change is born or buried, and only we are responsible for our lives and the thoughts that create them.  Trying to change other people is really exhausting, isn't it?  And usually fruitless,  so why not shift our energy toward higher purposes?  Like creating a life we really want to live!   Key insights from the blending of psychology and neurosciences show that by choosing the thoughts we hang on to and the ones we let go of, we can establish permanent new thought patterns, transforming our lives from the inside-out: emotionally, spiritually and physically.  Good news, you're not stuck!  Through the power of intention, or mindfulness, the glass half-empty can really become a glass half-full! 

Habitual thought patterns are like the tire tracks in a muddy road.  The mind naturally slips into them, and it takes focused effort to steer one’s mental energy in a different direction.  Those tire tracks are your default position-- I have mine, we all do. They're the culmination of our family of origin, our past experiences, our social environment and present circumstances.  But don’t we really want a new and better framework from which we see ourselves and the world?  Without changing something, that just won't happen - we can make the choice to speak life to ourselves and to others, and to act in ways that bring renewed vitality and joy into our own lives and the world around us--we can all be life-changers, starting with our own lives!

make your own road.jpg

So what’s your first step?  Make a decision.  Decide to live intentionally, not haphazardly, and take aim at something! What kind of person do you want to be, what characteristics or virtues do you admire, how healthy do you want your body and life to be?  Go ahead and write your thoughts and goals down, tape pictures and inspiring words on the fridge or your bathroom mirror, and refocus your mind on being the person you want to be.  Visualizing the changes you want to make can help you see yourself walk them out.  Just like a professional athlete getting ready for a big event, you're getting ready to WIN!  Refocus your mind on those thoughts every day and commit to act and speak in ways that re-affirm your intentions.  

Next step?  Don’t procrastinate any more-- just do it, and now!  To arrive at something better, you have to do something different.... And that will involve action.  It's impossible to learn any new skill or develop new habits without consistent effort daily.  And we're talking about small changes,  small decisions, and all adding up over time - not huge leaps all at once!  Experience tells us that doesn't work long-term. Real change takes time.  If we want to change the path we're on,  we have to steer in a different direction and keep our hands on the wheel!

Your WILL creates the right ACTIONS, leading to your best RESULT.

You may already know that change can be threatening to others who have found solace in the old you-- and then there’s always the struggle against the tide of culture!  So be prepared for resistance, and decide on the front end how you want to handle it.  Don't expect an easy ride--there will be bumps and a few unexpected curves, and you just might run off the side of the road at times. That's ok!  Give yourself grace when that happens, but get right back on your determined path, and never let yourself lose sight of where you're headed!  Just as your muscles can’t get any stronger without the stress of resistance, your willpower won’t get any stronger unless you exercise it!  Instead of telling yourself I won’'t  or I can’t  try this:  I WILL  make better choices in what I eat, I WILL make time for exercise this week, I WILL be a better friend, a more loving spouse, a more effective employee, a more compelling leader.  It's a pattern that will become your new habit.  What are your "I Will's" ?  Declare it! Do it! See it!

I’m always ready for change in areas of my life, and if you’re reading this I’ll bet you are too.  I think together, we can create something much different and much better, in our own lives and the world!

Would you share this today with a friend that may need some encouragement?  Maybe they're in a place where they have given up trying and just need to know ALL things are POSSIBLE!

Be Well- Carol  

I am here to be part of your Front Row Cheering Section!  I truly believe Holistic Health Coaching is the missing link in most people’s efforts to create successful long lasting changes to their health and their quality of life overall.  I am ready to be your Coach, your Mentor, your Accountability Partner, and your Cheerleader!  Contact me today!  Also, find out more about my Personal Training services on my website (I have some GREAT specials right now, including a Training & Health Coaching combo that will ignite the fire of change for you!)  and sign up for my e-newsletter at the bottom of this page, chock full of fresh inspiration for your Best You!

Your Body is In Love with You

Think about it for a moment. Your body’s whole purpose is to be a home for your spirit, a frame for intentional movement, a space for your life-sustaining organs, a daily companion for your soul. A vital resting place at the end of the day and a launch pad at the beginning, it’s what we do between the waking and the sleeping that greatly determines how well our body lives. Your essence—your energy-- is the meaning for it’s existence, and it will do everything it can to protect you, to support, energize, heal, rejuvenate and strengthen you from the inside out.. If this isn’t a beautiful expression of Love, I don’t know what is!

Sunset on the Ocean, Cape San Blas Sometimes, after an intense day, sleep just doesn’t come. Unwinding mentally so you can rest involves unwinding physical tension. Begin with your feet. Take a deep breath in thru the nose and hold it while you stre…

Sunset on the Ocean, Cape San Blas Sometimes, after an intense day, sleep just doesn’t come. Unwinding mentally so you can rest involves unwinding physical tension. Begin with your feet. Take a deep breath in thru the nose and hold it while you stretch your toes wide apart. Then exhale thru the mouth and relax. Now squeeze your toes as if you were making fists with your feet and hold, hold, hold your breath. exhale as you relax your toes. Then lift your leg 2 inches off the bed and squeeze your leg muscles; exhale and drop your leg. Move to the other leg. Makes fists with your hands, lift your arms 2 inches off the bed; exhale deeply as you drop your arms. Lift your legs and your arms and squeeze your belly, then exhale and release. Finally, squeeze your face like a prune and, on a big exhale, let go. Sink into your mattress….

I have learned over the years to return the love my body has for me, to express my gratitude .for its constant attention, whether I am awake or asleep (because our bodies are always “on”). I have learned how to feed it healthy foods that won’t hinder it’s ability to help keep me well,, how to pamper it with self-care habits that keep it relaxed, strong and limber, when to give it rest and when to put it to work, what it needs to feel joyful and content, how to shield it from worry and anxiety—and when I can’t do that, how to help it manage the negative energy that comes my way, whether I like it or not. Above all, I’ve learned how not to repeat the destructive path that I was on as a young woman who didn’t know any better than to push herself beyond her limits and gauge my body’s worth by the opinions of others and my own very narrow view of life. I do all of this imperfectly of course, but my strong will is joined at the hip to live a life filled with vibrancy and purpose!

Sunrise on the Bay, Cape San Blas Ahhh… It’s easier to respond to whatever the day may bring if we spend a moment centering ourselves. Start with 3 gentle breaths in and out of the belly. Then bring your hands to your center chest and imagine taking…

Sunrise on the Bay, Cape San Blas Ahhh… It’s easier to respond to whatever the day may bring if we spend a moment centering ourselves. Start with 3 gentle breaths in and out of the belly. Then bring your hands to your center chest and imagine taking a long, long breathe in from the soles of your feet through the top of your head, intersecting in the heart. Exhale slowly and deeply through the mouth and feel your ribs soften downward under your hands. Do 2 minutes of this and mediate on how you want to respond to people and situations today. Speak a prayer of thankfulness and ask for guidance—notice a feeling of focus and ease!

Your body is in love with you! What will you do to return the love? This affair is meant for a lifetime and it deserves your attention, nurturing and a clear vision for it’s future, one that is sustainable and brilliant!

When mindful awareness, focused breathing, strengthening and lengthening of joints and muscles, intentional balance and alignment and personal commitment come together for my Personal Training clients, they are on their way to a whole new health paradigm. This is how I train, this is how I coach, and this is how someone’s courage to try something new truly changes their life. I would love to help you find that sweet spot!—contact me and let’s start a conversation about your unique needs and how you want to love your body back. (P.S. I have some great specials this summer on training packages of 10 and there’s no time like the present to create a better future)

Be Well! Carol

Find more info about my Personal Training and Health Coaching programs here!

My precious daughter Savannah and me, Cape San Blas—our happy place! We’ll be there again this September for my birthday and I can’t wait!

My precious daughter Savannah and me, Cape San Blas—our happy place! We’ll be there again this September for my birthday and I can’t wait!


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